Patient Access Information

As of Wednesday 18th October, all patients aged 16 and over who have signed up to the NHS app or Patient Access will be able to have access to their full medical records. For people under the age of 16, Parents/Guardians can have access to their records.

Patients will have access to:

  • All consultations
  • Medication
  • Documents
  • Referrals
  • Test results
  • Care History
  • Medical summary
  • Appointment booking notes

What you need to know

You can see information in your GP record like your medications, allergies, test results, immunisations and illnesses. You can also book and cancel appointments, and order repeat prescriptions online.You can look at your GP record on a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone, using a website or an app.

What's in it for you?

You can look at your GP record online whenever you want, without needing to print it. Your GP online record is up to date and more secure than a printed paper record which could get lost or seen by others. You can look at your online record after your appointment to make sure you understood what your doctor or nurse said. One of the most useful things patients have found is that you can make sure the information in your record is correct. For example, you can tell your doctor if you have an allergy that is not already in your record.

Understanding your record

Your GP record is written to help medical staff look after you. This means that sometimes you may not understand everything you see. Below are links to useful websites.

 NHS Medical Abbreviations

Patient Info 

Lab Test Online UK

A few things to think about

Your GP may think it would not be good for you to look at your GP record online. If this happens, your GP will talk to you about it. It is up to your GP to decide if you should be allowed access to your online record.

You may see test results before you have talked to your doctor about them. This may be when your surgery is closed. This means you will need to wait until an appointment is available to talk to your doctor about the results.

Information in your GP record might be wrong. If you find something you think isn’t right, you should contact your surgery. The staff will be able to answer your questions.  

There may be information in your GP record that you did not know was there or that you had forgotten about. If you see someone else’s information in your record please log out immediately and let your surgery know as soon as possible. If you have questions please talk to your surgery who can help you. This could be an illness or an upsetting incident. If you see anything that worries you please speak to your surgery.